
Abstract submission

Please prepare abstract of your presentation according to the MS-Word template and e-mail to LOC by 11 January 2019. Either MS-Word or Adobe PDF file is acceptable. All the abstracts will be stored in a USB memory and distributed to the participants.

You can submit more than one abstract. Presentation style (Oral or Poster) will be decided by the organizing committee. If you prefer Poster presentation, please notify in the registration form. Abstract submission was closed on January 18, 2019.

Click here to download a MS-Word template file for an abstract.

E-mail address for submission: abstract-iscd2@freeml.com


 Registration for the symposium is free of charge. Please fill in the registration form and send it with your abstract(s). Participation in the reception dinner needs pre-registration.

Click here to download a registration form.

E-mail adress for registration: abstract-iscd2@freeml.com

Copyright © ISCD-2 Local Organize Committee. ALL RIGHT RESERVED




