News & Topics
- Paper published
My students's paper titled "Shallow slow earthquakes to decipher future catastrophic earthquakes in the Guerrero seismic gap", has been published on Nature Communiations. This reserach has been supported by JST and JICA under SATREPS.(2021.6.29) - Paper published
The papre from the Collaborative research with UNAM, Mexico, Univ. of Rhode Island, UC Santa Cruz, has been published on Nature Communiations. The collaborative reserach has been supported by JST and JICA under SATREPS.(2021.4.12) - Paper accepted
My student's paper titled "Seismological structures on bimodal distribution of deep tectonic tremor" by Sawaki et al. has been accepted in GRL.(2021.4.11) - Paper accepted
My student's paper titled "Water depth dependence of long‐range correlation in nontidal variations in seafloor pressure" by Inoue et al. has been accepted in GRL.(2021.3.27) - Welcome to my lab, Yiuan!
Yiuan Ruan has joined my lab. Please visit People in detail. (2020.04.1) - Welcome to my lab, Pousali!
Pousali Mukherjee has joined my lab. Please visit People in detail. (2019.10.1) - Paper published
Kaz Ohta's paper titled "Tremor and Inferred Slow Slip Associated With Afterslip of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake" has been published in GRL. It is a collaborative research with the University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, and National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (2019.5.14) - Papers accepted
My former student's paper titled "Seafloor crustal deformation on ocean bottom pressure records with non-tidal variability corrections: application to Hikurangi margin, New Zealand" by Muramoto et al. has been accepted in GRL. It is a collaborative research with Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, GNS Science, Tohoku University and Columbia University.(2018.12.19) - My students visited in LDEO, Columbia University
My students and Prof. Nishimura visited Prof. Webb and me in LDEO after the 2018 AGU Fall meeting (2018.12.18) - Papers accepted
My student's paper titled "Spatio-temporal changes in the seismic velocity induced by the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and slow slip event revealed from seismic interferometry, using Ocean Bottom Seismometer's records by Uemura et al. has been accepted in Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. It is a collaborative research with Tohoku University and the University of Tokyo.(2018.11.21) - Papers accepted
My student's paper titled "Spatiotemporal Variation of Tectonic Tremor Activity Before the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake" by Katakami and others has been accepted in Geophysical Research Letters. It is a collaborative research with Tohoku University and the University of Tokyo. The other international collaborative paper titled "Spatiotemporal Variation of Tectonic Tremor Activity Before the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake" by Kubota and others has been also accepted (2018.10.10) - Welcome to my lab, Raymundo and Farazi!
Raymundo Omar Plata Martinez and Atikul Haque Farazi have joined my lab. Please visit People in detail. (2018.10.1) - JOIDES Resulution
I have joined the research cruise on the JOIDES Resulution, the expedition 375 from March 10 to May 5. Please visit IODP and J-DESC sites (2018.05.10) - Welcome to my lab, Tomo and Yasu!
Tomohiro Inoue and Yasunori Sawaki have joined my lab. Please visit People in detail. (2018.04.01) - Research Cruise in Mexico
We had the research cruise from 10th to 23rd of November, 2017 off Guerrero, Mexico. Ocean bottom seismometers and pressure gauges had been deployed during the cruise. Our ocean bottom observations had been introduced in Science before the cruise. See in detail Projects.(2017.12.04)
- Welcome to my lab, Syukei and Yifeng!
Syukei Ohyanagi and Yiefeng Liu have joined my lab. Please visit People in detail. (2017.10.2) - Paper accepted
My student's paper titled "Tidal response in shallow tectonic tremors" by Katakami and others was accepted in Geophysical Research Letters. It was a collaborative research with Kyusyu University and Kagoshima University. (2017.9.27) - Swim with Wave Glider !!
I was in Hawaii, with my colleagues from UNAM and Tohoku University, to learn how to use the Wave Glider under the international project "SATREPS"(2017.9.16)
- Paper accepted
Our paper entitled "Coseismic slip propagation on the Tohoku plate boundary fault facilitated by slip-dependent weakening during slow fault slip" by Ito et al. was accepted in Geophysical Research Letters. This was a collaborative reserach with University of Bremen and University of Tsukuba. (2017.8.28) - IAG-IASPEI2017
Three students had presentations at the IAG-IASPEI 2017 in Kobe as follows:Miyuu Uemura "Detecting the Temporal Variation in Seismic Velocity Accompanied by 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake and the Slow Slip Event, Using Seismic Interferometry of Ambient Noise"; Tomoya Muramoto "On the Interpretation of oceanic variations in terms of ocean bottom pressure"; Satoshi Katakami "Micro low-frequency tremor activity near Japan Trench" (2017.8.10) - SATREPS Workshop in Nara
We have holded a workshop on the collaborative reserach between Japan and Mexico supported by JST and JICA in Nara. Please have a look at Workshop in detal. (2017.8.10)
We had a science cruise from June 24 to July 5 in the Hikurangi margine, New Zealand. The international collaborative research project with Kyoto University, GNS Science, Tohoku University and Columbia University has been done on the R/V Tangaroa. During the cruise, we have installed and retrieved 5 ocean bottom pressure recorders to observe slow slip events. From my lab, Yoshi Ito and Tomoya Muramoto have joined the cruise.(2017.July.19)
- Global Platform in Cancun
I was in Cancun to attend"The 2017 Global Platform for disaster risk reduction". I also had a presentation about our SATREPS project in Mexico at the Ignite Stage(2017.6.14)
- Invited talk
We had an invited talk entitled "Interaction between slow and fast slips in the Japan Trench: Prospect from near field ocean bottom seismic and geodetic observations" in the SSA2017 meeting, Denver, CO, USA. Thank you. (2017.4.20)
- Spring Camp in the Abuyama Observatory
The spring camp was held in Abuyama, Osaka, from April 3 to 6. (2017.4.6)
- Workshop in Quito
A workshop "Recent Advances in Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano Monitoring, Hazard Evaluation, and Disaster Management in Latin America" was held in Quito, Ecuador, supported by JICA, and JST (2017.4.6)
- One of the 5 most highly cited papers published in Tectonophysics
Our paper, Episodic slow slip events in the Japan subduction zone before the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, published in 2013 is one of the most highly cited papers during 2014, 2015 and up until June 2016 in Tectonophysics. (Dec. 22, 2016) - World Tsunami Awareness Day (November 5th)
We will have a seminar in Mexico City under the sponsorship of SATREPS. The circular is available from CENAPRED. Please see "Projects" about our SATREPS project in Mexico (Oct. 25, 2016) - Welcome to my lab, Soli!
Dr. Emmanuel Soliman M. Garcia has arrived at his new post in DPRI, Kyoto University. Please visit People. (Sep. 01, 2016) - Student Outstanding Presentation Award 2016
Congratulation!! Satoshi Katakami wins Student Outstanding Presentation Award 2016. His presentation is "Detecting tectonic tremor through frequency scanning at a single station in the Japan Trench subduction zone". (2016.07.28) - New Web site
My web site is renewed(July 21, 2016)

As one of international collaboration researches in my lab, we had a research cruise in Mexico from December 5 to 22, 2018. We retrieved ocean bottom seismometeres and pressure recorders, and deployed again ocean bottom seismometers. We also did GPS-Acoustic survey using Waveglider. Raymundo and Shukei joined with Yoshi.(2018.11.22)

My Movie
The GGAP2017 Cruise. This was under the GGAP SATREPS project. See in detail Projects.
Short Video introducing tsunami. This was made by CENAPRED related to the World Tsunami Awareness day in 2016.
This short promotion video was made in 2014 for an orientation program to candidates of graduate students, DPRI, Kyoto University. The video introduces me and HOBITTS project.
See in detail : Projects page